Types of Evangelism
1. Small Group Home Fellowship ‐ to be held in the homes of church members where non‐Adventist friends, relatives, classmates, or co‐workers will be invited for fellowship, prayer and Bible study.
2. Internet Evangelism – use the internet to share Christ and His words to others. One example is to live stream your small group and Share Him presentations (via Facebook or Youtube) for others to see. Utilize social media to reach others for Christ.
3. Branch Sabbath School – AMP club teams may be organised to conduct Branch Sabbath School programs in the community. Vacation Bible School programs may be used for this initiative.
4. Mission Adventures/Mission Trips within Ontario – sign up for week‐long mission projects in Northern Ontario to be held in July and August.
5. Cross‐culture Evangelism – assist in establishing community‐based Adventurer or Pathfinder clubs in Northern Ontario.
6. Share Him Reaping Campaign – to be held sometime in Autumn. Schedule to be determined by local church/club. Sermon and Bible study materials to be used for Pathfinder or Master Guide Evangelism: His Way of Hope; for Adventurer evangelism ‐ Truth for Youth/Kids series.
7. International Mission Trip – more info to follow.